Sadly, I grew up thinking aftershave was all about scent. No one told me a quality aftershave would sterilize the surfaced freshly scraped by a sharp implement, close the pores, nourish the skin, and moisturize it. I find all those things in all Razorock aftershaves and they do make me smell nice too. Blue Barbershop takes me back in time to when only women went to a salon and unisex shops didn't exist. This is no powerhouse by any means and doesn't last for hours. It has no reason to. This is a great workday aftershave. Why would I want to use a strong great smelling scent when my physical activity and Florida humidity kill it in short time? This would probably be a good one for those that work in places with scent restricting policies. Not that it doesn't have fragrance, someone would have to invade your personal space to detect it. Every time I put this on I think of combs in blue liquid, talk of hunting season or sporting event, well worn leather barber chairs with strops hanging from them, magazines from three years ago.